JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary Senior Management Team Inspect Proposed ECCMIS Operational Centre
Mr Bigirimana, PSSJ (L), Hon. Lady Justice Dr Kisakye,JSC (M) and HW Chemutai, Ag. CR (R) at the Supreme Court

On Monday (February 24, 2020), members of the Senior Management team led by the Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Judiciary, Mr Pius Bigirimana and the Ag. Chief Registrar, HW Tom Chemutai carried out inspections at the proposed Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) Operational Centre at the Supreme Court.

The ECCMIS Operational Centre will occupy half of the third floor of the Court and will have facilities such as a boardroom complete with video and tele-conferencing, a call and demonstration Centre as well as offices.

The Supreme Court Deputy Registrar, HW Lawrence Tweyanze, took the team on the guided tour of the Supreme Court premises.

The PS/SJ equally interacted with the head of the court, Hon. Lady Justice Dr. Esther Kisakye as well as Hon. Justice Eldad Mwangusya and briefed them on the transformation plans.

Posted 25th, February 2020
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